Sen. Josh Hawley calls Merrick Garland’s memo to the FBI ‘a deliberate attempt to chill parents from showing up at school board meetings’

As Twitchy reported Monday, just days after the National School Boards Association asked the Biden administration to look into angry parents as possible “domestic terror” threats, Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a memo to the FBI directing it to coordinate with local law enforcement “to facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and … open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response.”

Sen. Josh Hawley questioned Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco about that memo Tuesday, and told her, “if this isn’t a deliberate attempt to chill parents from showing up at school board meetings … I don’t know what is.”

Josh Hawley RIPS the FBI over new efforts to target parents:

“I’m not aware of anything like this in American history… You’re using the FBI to intervene in school board meetings.”

— The First (@TheFirstonTV) October 5, 2021

To be fair this isn’t really the FBI’s fault; it’s the Attorney General’s fault for ordering them to engage in this shockingly fascist endeavor

— Danishova (@Danishova) October 5, 2021

This edict was absolutely meant to intimidate parents.

— MacDiarmada (@diarm_mac) October 5, 2021

I am so grateful that I am not a parent at this point in time in our history

— StephStance (@StephStance) October 5, 2021

If there are instances at a school board meeting that require the intervention of law enforcement, it should be handled by the local police department, not the ‘Federal’ Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

— Jimmythenose (@Jimmythenose2) October 5, 2021

We’ve seen that and more in action: in notorious Loudon County, Virginia, the school board shut down public comment and the sheriff declared the meeting an unlawful gathering, arresting two who refused to leave. There was no violence or threats — it’s on video.

Garland is just a puppet but not more or less a scumbag than Lisa Monaco, she is the one running things. And has a long track record of malfeasance.

— Ryan Nash🇺🇸 (@8505nash) October 5, 2021


‘THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!’: Gov. DeSantis responds to AG Garland’s memo to use the FBI on threats against school administrations and boards

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 5, 2021

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