Senate adjourns for Christmas break

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THE Senate adjourned for its Christmas break on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023, after ratifying the national budget bill, which Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri said will provide the much-needed boost to the country’s defensive posture in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

“As we have learned from the constant bullying and aggression of China against Filipino fishermen and our protectors in the WPS and our exclusive economic zone, we badly need to upgrade our capabilities in patrolling our seas. As promised, your Senate has delivered,” Zubiri said.

He said that he fought for the inclusion of an additional P10.47 billion to upgrade the country’s defense capabilities and enhance its presence in the WPS.

Specifically, P6.17 billion was added to the budget of the Department of National Defense, P2.8 billion for the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), P1 billion for the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), and P500 million for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

The funds, he said, will be used for the purchase of additional patrol ships and other defense equipment. All changes were ratified by the Senate on Monday, December 11.

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The 2024 national budget also includes funds for the establishment of a Marine Research Center in the WPS that will be under the control and management of the DENR.

“We hope that this boost in funds for the purchase of additional patrol ships and defense equipment will also boost the morale of our brave Coast Guard and soldiers in protecting our Exclusive Economic Zone. All the Filipinos are with you in this fight!” Zubiri said.

The proposed 2024 budget, equivalent to 21.7 percent of gross domestic product, is 9.5 percent higher than this year’s P5.268 trillion.

The Department of Budget and Management said the proposed national budget was framed based on the 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda and will continue to support the goals of the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 of securing a future-proof and sustainable, vibrant economy.

The General Appropriations Bill 2024 is expected to be signed by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. upon his return from Japan next week.

The Senate will resume plenary sessions on Jan. 22, 2024.

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