Senta Berger: Lifetime Achievement Award – her son finds touching words

The German Film Prize took place in Berlin for the first time in front of a large audience. Daniel Donskoy made his moderation debut, Senta Berger received the honorary award.

On Friday (October 1st) the elite of German film gathered. The German Film Prize was awarded in the Palais am Funkturm in Berlin. After the long Corona break, the stars were happy to finally be allowed on the red carpet again, even if dealing with so many people was still unfamiliar for one or the other celebrity, such as Elyas M’Barek (39) told at the beginning of the event. For actor Daniel Donskoy (31), the award ceremony was even a completely new experience, because it was his first major moderation ever. A special honor was given to Senta Berger (80) that evening. The actress was awarded the Golden Lola for her life’s work for outstanding services to German film. “For me today, a circle closes in the nicest way,” said the 80-year-old. After all, it all started for her in Berlin. Actor Klaus Maria Brandauer (78) gave the laudation, but Senta Berger is particularly likely to be concerned about the touching words of her son Simon Verhoeven (49) were happy. In an interview with, the director and producer only had the most loving words for his mother. Glitz & glamor on the red carpet in Berlin: In the video above you get impressions of the German Film Award and learn what Senta Berger and Co. had to say.

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