Serious company looking for young people to work in Bogotá and Cali: hopefully without experience

GNP’s objective is to incorporate commercial advisers for its call center in Bogotá and Cali. In this area it has more than 1,500 people directly hired who They work in various sales campaigns for telecommunications services, insurance, bank microcredits and home services, among others.

The call is open these days and seeks to hire more than 200 young people in their first job. The idea is to give an opportunity to people without experience and that in the company they can learn and start their working life.

(See also: Salaries of up to 5’500,000: launch call for employment (very seductive) in Colombia )

“In this way we have collaborators who have started their careers as commercial advisers and are now operation managers thus having a growth with up to 5 years in the company “, he explained the company.

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GNP, In addition, it exalts that among its policies it seeks to transform the life of each of its collaborators and that of their families , giving them a better quality of life with salary incentives, personal benefits and a excellent work environment.

The company also explained that those who fill the vacancies will have a 100% benefit salary, with excellent sales commissions, additional incentives and a wellness plan called ” GNP Nation ”.

Those interested in applying for any of the vacancies can do so through the mail . In addition, there is enabled a WhatsApp line to request more information, the number is 573103740735 .

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