SET announces a 3-year strategy Connecting the market – developing funding sources

January 11, 2022 time 21:02

SET announces strategy for year 65-67 Connecting investments in the present world together with the future world Pin to develop funding sources for social enterprises – SMEs and startups

Mr. Pakorn Pettawatchai, Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) revealed that the SET Group adheres to the vision of To Make the Capital Market? Work? for Everyone, aiming to develop the capital market to benefit all sectors. Ready to adapt and develop continuously The 3-year strategic plan (2022-2024) will expand to connect investments in the present world together with the future world. to be a source of national investment Ready to promote financial skills of Thai people for a better financial quality of life under a new way of life. and support the participation of the business sector in taking care of society and the environment seriously To drive the sustainability of the country through 3 strategies:

1. Connect opportunities from all sectors By promoting fundraising through initial public offerings (IPOs) of companies with high potential and growth. and registration of foreign companies Aims to develop funding sources for social enterprises, SMEs, and startups by extending the LiVE Platform to the LiVE Exchange, which is expected to open for trading in 1Q/22 and enhance the quality of listed companies by incubating Cultivate ESG Investment Stars to increase the number of companies in the Global Sustainability Index. as well as encouraging individual investors to use technology to assist in trading Meet the needs of the new generation of investors with products that require a low minimum investment. as well as connecting international investment opportunities such as ETF DR DW and Fractional Product, which are expected to open for trading in the beginning of Q3/22

2. Develop innovative infrastructure that everyone can trust By expanding digital infrastructure that is more reliable and efficient to align with new lifestyles. Enhance the management of professionals in the capital market through a digital format and develop the ESG Data Platform to provide investors with information for sustainable stock investments. Including preparing to develop a new platform to connect trading from current assets to digital assets. It is expected to open the Thai digital asset exchange center (TDX) within the 3rd quarter of 2022

3. Promote financial sustainability for Thai people Through the promotion and education of ESG, by increasing the number of ESG professionals through partnerships with educational institutions. as well as various organizations to disseminate ESG standardized courses, promote financial skills as part of Thai life skills for better living under a new way of life. including increasing the potential of business for society and support the governance of cyber security of the Thai capital market

” in order for the future development of the stock market to be flexible. Support competition in the digital investment world SET has expanded its digital infrastructure to streamline operations. and provide opportunities to fully collaborate with partners Believe that it will be able to create the current investment world together with the future world seamlessly. Responding to both issuers, investors and stakeholders in all sectors Ready to continue to take care of Thai people through change and grow together,” said Mr. Pakorn

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