Several whistleblowers pointed out that Huawei will launch a folding machine similar to Galalxy Flip to target the high-end female market

At present, the durability of folding screen mobile phones is still a big problem, but the folding screen full of technology is loved by consumers, and it is bound to become more popular in the future and become the mainstream equipment in the mobile phone market.

Currently Samsung, Huawei, Moto and other manufacturers have already launched With its own folding screen models, the second half of 2021 has already begun, and many new folding screen products will be released one after another.

is at 9 On the 30th, digital blogger @数码闲聊站 broke the news, saying that Huawei also has a new high-end folding screen that is oriented towards the female market. It adopts the vertical and vertical inward folding method, which will be smaller in size and more suitable for women.

In addition, another blogger @ panda’s very bald published an article stating that Huawei will launch a new machine with a folding screen called MateV this year. The current engineering machine processor model is K9000, which is Kirin. 9000 processors. Judging from the current situation, the two bloggers should be talking about the same new Huawei folding screen.

At present, there is not much news about Huawei’s new folding screen models. The questions consumers want to know about whether it can support 5G functions are still unknown, and further news is needed in the future.

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