Shannon Doherty made the audience cry with her fate

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The talented actress has been trying to beat a vicious disease for six years, and difficult moments show her how strong she is.

Charismatic and invincible actress Shannon Doherty, who was loved by the audience of all generations in the hit series “Charms”, has been bravely fighting for six years with a very challenging diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer. helped women struggling with the same disease showed intimate photos that saddened audiences around the world.

“On the occasion of the month of raising awareness about breast cancer, I would like to share another part of my personal journey from the first diagnosis to the second. Is everything nice? No, but it is true and I hope that because of this we will become more educated and get to know what cancer looks like. I hope that I will encourage people to have mammograms, regular check-ups, to get rid of fear and face everything that is in front of them. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. I had a mastectomy and went for chemotherapy and radiation. I had frequent nosebleeds due to chemotherapy. I’m not sure if any of you have experienced that. I was also very tired. I cheered as I put on the funny pajamas my friend Christie gave me. Did that really cheer me up? Yes !! I looked funny and I could laugh at myself. Humor helped me get through what seemed impossible. I hope we will all find humor in the impossible. ” – the actress wrote under the shocking moments of her life .

Colleagues and close friends Alice Milano and Sara Michel Gellar are immense support of Shannon, and nice words are not missing on social networks.


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