«Simply unacceptable» – Bethesda Hospital employees angry: Compensation should be cut | Basler newspaper

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The Basel private hospital is planning cuts for long-term sick people and young mothers. This is intended to reduce the number of failures.

Leif Simonsen

The Bethesda Hospital prides itself on being a “family-friendly company”, but wants to cut maternity benefits. Employees see this as a contradiction.

Photo: Dominik Plüss

Before Christmas, the management floor of the Bethesda Hospital announced to all employees under the brittle title of “updating the personnel regulations” that the new mothers and long-term sick would have to forego part of their wages in the future. The wages of those on sick leave should be reduced to 80 percent after two months – regardless of the year of service. The right to maternity allowance will also be set at 80 percent of the wages for all employees, the letter goes on to say. The regulations are valid from January 1, 2022.

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