Singer's death sparks debate about false corona information

Czech singer Hana Horka died of Covid at the age of 57 -19 for believing anti-vaccination advocates of deliberately induced infection.


The death of a singer who is said to have deliberately contracted Corona has triggered a debate in the Czech Republic about the role of disinformation. The son blamed anti-vaccination posts on social media for his mother’s death.

The folk music and Singer Hana Horka, known to country fans, died on Sunday at the age of just 57 after a corona infection. It was sad that she believed foreign opponents of vaccination more than her own family, said her son, the musician Jan Rek, in a radio interview. She decided “rather to go through the disease than to be vaccinated”.

In one of her last Twitter The singer had written posts that she was looking forward to visiting “theatre, concerts and sauna” after going through the infection. The 2G rule (vaccinated or recovered) applies there in the Czech Republic. Horka has been a member of the Prague band «Asonance» since 1985, which specializes in Scottish and Irish folk music.

The Czech Interior Minister Vit Rakusan warned of the dangers of “unverified information” on the occasion of this case. According to the EU health authority ECDC, 63.1 percent of the total population in the Czech Republic have been completely immunized with a vaccine against corona. That is less than in Switzerland and other Western European countries.SDA

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