Sinister hidden meanings behind symbols on Russian tanks as Putin masses troops for new assault on Kyiv

MYSTERIOUS symbols have been spotted painted on Russian tanks, armoured cars and planes.

Several theories on the meaning of the symbols have now been shared as Russia is feared to be planning another major assault on Ukraine’s capital Kyiv.

A Russian tank marked with a 'V' symbol


A Russian tank marked with a ‘V’ symbolCredit: Newsflash

It’s thought their vehicles were marked for the identification for Russian and Belarusian military exercises


It’s thought their vehicles were marked for the identification for Russian and Belarusian military exercisesCredit: Reuters

Russian troops have been pictured heading towards Kyiv


Russian troops have been pictured heading towards KyivCredit: Reuters


Satellite images show Russian tanks and other vehicles heading towards Kyiv, while other aerial footage appears to reveal military equipment being stationed outside the capital.

The images from Maxar, which has been monitoring the invasion since the start, were taken close to Antonov Airport, just miles from the city.

Now, two weeks since the war began, experts believe they have cracked the code symbols which are being used by the Russians.

It’s thought their vehicles were marked for the identification for Russian and Belarusian military exercises, prior to the invasion of Ukraine.

Recently shocking videos and pictures have shown hundreds of tanks attacking Ukrainian cities with the letter X on the side.

The x symbol means that they are carrying Chechan elite special forces, who have been nicknamed ‘the hunters’.

The Kremlin claims that anyone on Putin’s deadly special forces have previously committed crimes.

It’s been reported that each soldier has reportedly been given a “deck of cards” with photos of senior Ukrainian officials and security officers on them that Moscow wants dead.

Military vehicles donned with the letter A are also a similar type of Russian elite special forces.

These soldiers are permanently part of Russia’s military and carry out missions during both wartime and peacetime.

Meanwhile, tanks, cars and planes that show a ‘V’ symbol mean that their operators are from the Russian marines.

And experts say if any tanks arrive in the Ukraine showing the letter O – it means that Belarusian troops have entered the fighting.

Finally, on many of Russia’s tanks, there is a white symbol which looks like the letter Z, sometimes with a white box around it.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the “Z” symbol means “for the victory”.

However, a military source in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv told The Sun that the Z symbol is most likely to help to avoid friendly fire.

The marking prevents Russian forces from attacking their own vehicles but also lets opposing forces identify them.

There is a possibility of confusion as Ukrainian tanks look very similar, especially from the air.

Other experts claim that the Z symbolises the vehicles are ready to attack.

It comes as today, the UK Defence Ministry claimed Russia is likely to want to resume its offensive in Kyiv in the coming days.

The huge column was first seen on February 28 after grinding to a halt on the main highway leading south to the capital, after being hit by breakdowns, fuel shortages, and supply problems.

It originally set off from Belarus and has been making its way south towards Kyiv, via Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

However, forces have since been bogged down amid reports of food, fuel, and equipment shortages.

But fresh satellite images taken on Thursday after a break in cloud cover show commanders on the move again, breaking up the column which had become vulnerable to Ukraine counterattacks.

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