SİYAD chose 'The Father' as the best foreign film of 2021

Cinema Writers’ Association (SİYAD) chose the best foreign film of 2021: “Baba”

Among all foreign films released in cinemas in Turkey last year, Cinema Writers Association (SIYAD) ) as a result of the voting by its members, the award will be given to Bir Film, the importer of “Baba” (The Father), at the 54th SİYAD Award Ceremony, which is planned to be held in March.

The films that ranked in the top 20 as a result of the voting of SİYAD members are:

1) Baba (The Father)
2) Titane 3) Annette
4) Little Mom (Petite mama)
5) Green Knight (The Green Knight)
6) Bellows (Druk)
7) Last Night in Soho Soho)
8) French Post (The French Dispatch)
9) Dune: Desert Planet (Dune: Part One)
10) Undine
11) Dark Girl (The Lost Daughter)
12) A Night at the Louvre: Leonardo da Vinci (A Night at the Louvre: Leonardo da Vinci)
13) The Last Duel
14) Collective (Colectiv)
15) The Matrix Resurrections
16) Minari
17) ​​The Killing of Two Lovers
18) Petrov Got the Flu (Petrovy v grippe)
19) Apples (Mila)
20) Censor

About Dad

Florian Zeller’s direction Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss are in the lead roles in the movie he produced.

Anthony is 80 years old, a bit grumpy, persistently wanting to live alone and rejecting all the help his daughter offered to him. But as her daughter can no longer make her daily visits and Anthony’s sense of reality begins to shake, finding a helper becomes imperative. How much of his own identity and past will Anthony be able to hold onto as his memory tides? Olivia Colman and Anthony Hopkins made the film an Oscar winner in two categories.


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