Ski resorts: will the sanitary pass be necessary to hit the slopes?

The government has just announced this Thursday, September 30: ski resorts should be able to open their doors this winter. The sanitary pass should not be required to use the ski lifts.

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne made announcements on Thursday September 30 within the framework of the Congress of Ski Areas of France in Chambéry (Savoie). According to initial statements, the government has chosen to allow ski resorts to open their ski lifts for the 2021/2022 season. Last year, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, no mountain station was able to take advantage of the season.

No sanitary pass but a specific protocol

The sanitary pass should not be requested to access the ski lifts. On the other hand, if the health situation of the departments concerned were to develop unfavorably, the executive could take measures to fight the epidemic. A bill in this direction should be presented to the Council of Ministers on October 13th.

You will see an exceptional French mountain

“What we expected the more, it was a commitment on the fact that the lifts would open well next winter, it is what held us, to us, and to all the lovers of the ski the most at heart “, welcomed Laurent Reynaud. General delegate of Domaines Skiables de France, quoted by CNews . The mayor of La Plagne, who is also in Chambéry, calls on winter sports enthusiasts to come in large numbers this winter. “It is heartwarming to all mountain people, to all those who make a living from this We are very happy. When you come, you will see an exceptional French mountain as you have never known it “, he said, quoted by Europe 1 .

Regarding the health protocol in place, professionals in the sector are impatiently awaiting the rules that will have to apply. “We hope that it will give a certain number of simple rules, understandable by all, to allow us to anticipate any changes in protocols, if in the next six there should be any, “said Laurent Reynaud.

The draft The law presented on October 13 should be completed before mid-November, after debates in Parliament.

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