Small Folk Ideas in Maanshan

The air-dried earthen cannon and large sunflower broomsticks hung on the railing (pictures provided by the neighbours leading the way)

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The neighborhood leads the way

“Neighborhood Leading the Way” It is a Hong Kong social enterprise that focuses on promoting community connections. We take the community as a real scene. Through community guided tours, community guide training, route design services, community exploration workshops and other community projects, we allow the neighborhood to lead community enthusiasts, educators and different People in the field explore together and open up their imaginations of the community, allowing participants to savor the uniqueness of each community, understand and reflect on different social issues through personal experience, thereby enhancing community cohesion. Webpage: Facebook:

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In the past Saturday, the author roamed the 5.5-hectare Ma On Shan “city lung”-Ma On Shan Park. It has both colorful natural landscapes and local humanities, history and culture. It is a good place to relax on holidays. The author was fortunate enough to see short-nose fruit bats in the grassy forest area near the front entrance. There are palm sunflower trees in Ma’anshan Park. The cute short-nosed fruit bats are good at making nests with the big leaves of palm palms and inhabit under the palm palm leaves in the park.

Go through the park, enter the promenade, and walk to At the end, you will see a path leading to Wuxi Sandy Beach. Here, the author magically discovered the traces of palm sunflower leaves: what came into view were three air-dried clay cannon broomsticks hung on the railings. It turned out that the park cleaners collected the fallen palm sunflower leaves, dried them and made them. Used as a broom for cleaning, very interesting! The leaves of the horsetail are used for many purposes, not only can be used to make horsetail fans, horsetail hats, brooms, but also can be used to make a raincoat (an old raincoat).

The cleaners recycle the “waste” in the community and play their daily lives The little creativity in life allows the waste to continue to be used in another form, which can not only assist them in their own cleaning needs, but also give new life to the fallen palm leaves, killing two birds with one stone. By upgrading and recreating seemingly useless community resources, the life cycle of the garbage that will be sent to the landfill can be extended, so that they can meet new tasks and become more meaningful and valuable items, which fully reflects the “use of everything.” “Folk wisdom.” Nature is closely related to human beings. Our communities have rich and precious natural resources. It would be too wasteful to just throw them into landfills as rubbish.

“Upcycling” is a new trend , The most convenient and natural creative material is the flowers, plants, trees, wastes and leftover materials that can be seen everywhere. As long as we spend a little time thinking about it and turn waste into materials, we can make good use of the free resources brought about by biodiversity. Natural Resources.

Short-nose fruit bats
inhabiting the palm palm trees in the park

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