Snyder Cut Joker wins luxury statuette by Weta Workshop

Snyder Cut Joker wins luxury statuette by Weta Workshop

A limited edition about 50 centimeters high!

October 6, 2021 at 8:08 pm • Updated 23 hours ago

A Weta Workshop recently announced a new luxury Joker figurine that features the villain’s look in Snyder Cut in Justice League. With 1:4 scale and made in resin, the figure is a limited edition, with about 50 centimeters high (including the base) and 37 centimeters wide.

Check out some images in the gallery:

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Priced at US$ 899 – almost R$ 5,000 in today’s quotation (6) -, the figurine is on pre-sale at official site of the Weta Workshop. The launch is scheduled for 2022. Only 600 pieces will be produced and sold, since it is a limited edition of the company.

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