soLi decides to release 2nd album “My Garden …”. Guest participation by e-ZUKA, Takayoshi Ohmura and others

soLi decides to release 2nd album “My Garden …”. e-ZUKA, Takayoshi Omura and others participated as guests

  • Provided by: OKMusic

Instrumental unit by ISAO (Gu) and Saori Hoshino (Vn), soLi’s 2nd album ” “My Garden …” will be released by Walküre Records on Wednesday, December 8th.

Mari Hamada, Fuki Commune, a multi-string guitarist who is active in many fields with her overwhelming technique and sense, such as participating in a huge overseas festival with a certain support.・ SoLi by ISAO and Saori Hoshino, a female violinist who has also been active in supporting various artists such as LIV MOON’s live strings members.

The album “My Garden …” , The sound that incorporates elements such as game music, which is the roots of the two people, based on hard rock / heavy metal, while focusing on the guitar and violin that was heard in the previous work, has evolved more melodiously and technically. It is a phenomenal artistic work. Also includes a cover of the famous song “Valestine Castle” from the game “Ys III” that ISAO loves. The bonus disc that comes with the Deluxe Edition contains 6 songs that were sold only on CD-R at the download sale and live venue.

In addition, e-ZUKA for this work (Gu: GRANRODEO), Takayoshi Ohmura (Gu: C4), BOH (Ba: Kari Band), IKUO (Ba), Hideki Harasawa (Ds: MAHATMA, ALHAMBRA) and other super-powerful ally musicians will participate as guests! Mixing and mastering is done by Unlucky Morpheus, UNDEAD CORPORATION’s Gu.

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