Solving “The Milo Mystery”: Nate Blum’s Sorgho Squad Series Inspires Children to Champion Sustainability

The Sorgho Squads quest for economic and environmental sustainability wraps up in the third chapter.

Cookstown, New Jersey, USA – WEBWIREThursday, January 18, 2024

In the much-anticipated third chapter of Nate Blums Sorgho Squad series, titled Sorgho Squad Chapter 3: The Milo Mystery, readers are taken on a captivating adventure that not only entertains but also educates children about the importance of sorghum and millets in addressing global challenges. As the series climax unfolds, Professor Sorgho and his intrepid assistant, Alice Atlas, confront the enigmatic Milo, completing the ancient-grains super team dedicated to solving issues of hunger, nutrition, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Blums narrative weaves seamlessly with the mission of Sorghum United, an international NGO that he serves as the Chief Executive Officer. Sorghum United comprises stakeholders spanning every continent, from researchers and seed dealers to farmers, processors, and consumers. The organizations grassroots approach, eschewing taxpayer funding and grants, underscores its commitment to economic self-sustainability through innovative initiatives like the Sorgho Squad book series.

At the heart of Sorghum Uniteds mission is the belief that sorghum and millets offer a pathway to global economic and environmental sustainability in agriculture. These small climate-smart grains hold the potential to address hunger and malnutrition even in the most arid conditions, making them vital to agri-food systems worldwide. Sorghum United advocates for a value over volume approach, empowering entrepreneurs to collaborate directly with farmers, fostering economic opportunities in regional value chain systems.

In the Sorgho Squad series third installment, Chapter3: The Milo Mystery, readers join Professor Sorgho, Alice Atlas, and the team as they strive to unlock another piece of the puzzle. Milos role becomes central to the squads ability to provide bio-based materials, healthy food solutions, and economic opportunities. Blum integrates the narratives excitement with the real-world mission of Sorghum United, creating a unique and immersive experience for young readers.

The educational value of the Sorgho Squad extends beyond the storyline at, incorporating the global network of Sorghum United stakeholders. Interested individuals are invited to join the organizations Whatsapp group, fostering connectivity across the industry without geographic or political barriers. The Sorghum United website,, serves as a valuable resource for farmers, consumers, and educators, embodying the organizations commitment to sharing ideas and knowledge.

As The Milo Mystery resolves, Nate Blums Sorgho Squad series proves the power of storytelling in promoting sustainability. Available for purchase on Amazon and other major online bookstore platforms, the series not only captivates young minds but also encourages them to become champions for economic and environmental sustainability, echoing the values and mission of Sorghum United.

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