Sony’s latest smartphone accessory is pretty cool

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The Xperia Stream is a fan accessory for Sony’s flagship Xperia 1 IV


Sony has launched a smartphone cooling fan accessory that’s designed to lower the temperature of its Xperia 1 IV under intense gaming loads. The Xperia Stream also offers a selection of extra ports in addition to working as a cooling accessory. It’s available to preorder now in Japan for 23,100 yen (around $162) with shipping expected on October 14th. 

The aim with these kinds of accessories, which have also been produced by the likes of Asus and Razer, is to let a phone’s processor run at higher speeds for longer, by preventing the kinds of high temperatures that can lead to performance throttling. Asus has the AeroActive Cooler for its gaming-focused ROG Phone lineup, while Razer recently released an RGB cooling fan that’s designed to be attached to whatever smartphone you choose.

The four ports on the underside of the accessory.

The four ports on the underside of the accessory.

Image: Sony

Cool air in, hot air out.

Cool air in, hot air out.

Image: Sony

Sony’s cooler plugs into the Xperia 1 IV via USB, and offers four additional ports on its bottom side. There’s a USB-C port for charging, an Ethernet port for wired internet, a 3.5mm jack to attach a gaming headset, and an HDMI port for outputting game footage to a capture card. The fan’s speed can be controlled automatically by Sony’s software, or you can fine-tune its RPM manually.

As well as selling the Xperia Stream by itself, Sony is also selling it in a bundle named the Xperia 1 IV Gaming Edition for 189,200 yen (around $1,330). The version of the phone sold in this bundle has 16GB of RAM, up from the 12GB of RAM in the base Xperia 1 IV model. It’s unclear when or if either the cooling fan or the Gaming Edition smartphone will be released in Europe or North America.

David Pierce13 minutes ago

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Look at all those widgets!

Look at all those widgets!

Image: Microsoft

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Welcome to the new Verge

Revolutionizing the media with blog posts

Nilay PatelSep 13

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Some Zotac RTX graphics cards laid out in a row on a table. The cards are rumored to be RTX 4090s.

I don’t hate the curves.

Image: Baidu (via PC Gamer)

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Will inflation lead to more entry-level gadgets?

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Today, Janko Roettgers over at Protocol makes a compelling argument using recent releases from Roku and Sonos and rumored stuff coming soon from Google as evidence that inflation will result in more budget gadget options for us consumers:

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Dynamic island shot in macro to show pixels

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“We’ve been clear to anyone who is interested that we are very willing to be flexible here and be creative in terms of this expansion.”

That’s business speak for “give me a number, Bezos and Cook.”

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This new trailer doesn’t give anything away, but Netflix needs to prove to me that it has more than games to offer as a reason to keep it in the subscription streaming rotation.

Your vomit may be valuable a few million years from now.

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I’d have a lockscreen full of widgets if I could.

Lockscreen widgets in iOS 16 are great and super useful, but Apple limits how many you can have to just one row below the clock. I’ve got a big screen on my phone that I’d put so many more widgets on if I could. Widgets are great. Widget it up.

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