South Florida wind chill temperatures forecast to hit the 20s

Wind chill temperatures in South Florida are forecast to drop into the 20s this weekend, making it feel like 28 degrees Fahrenheit in Naples and West Palm Beach — and 22 or 23 in other areas on Sunday morning, according to the National Weather Service.

CBS Miami reports Arctic air is moving in. It could be coldest weekend in the area in over a decade. 

Actual temperatures will plummet to the 30s and 40s overnight Saturday into Sunday morning — with the wind chill making it seem even colder. 

1/29 – Latest forecast as of 10:30am:
• Min Wind Chills for Sunday Morning (The wind chill temperature is how cold it will *feeloutside.)
• Min Temperatures for Sunday Morning (The lowest actual temperature expected)
• Today’s High Temperatures (for the rest of today)

— NWS Miami (@NWSMiami) January 29, 2022

On Saturday, cold northwest winds will keep South Florida in the 40s and 50s through the afternoon, with highs struggling to reach 60 degrees. Most areas will see highs in the upper 50s with wind gusts as high as 30 mph.

A freeze watch has been issued for inland Broward and Miami-Dade counties due to the potential for freezing temperatures Saturday night into Sunday morning. A wind chill watch is in effect for inland Broward Sunday morning.

The last time Miami dropped to a low of 40 degrees was on January 22, 2020. If Miami drops to a low in the upper 30s, then the last time that happened was over a decade ago on January 11, 2010, when Miami saw a low of 39 degrees.

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