'Special Representative for Cyprus' proposal from Guterres

United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres recommended Canadian diplomat Colin Stewart for his special mission in Cyprus.

Published: 21:08 – 03 October 2021
Guterres’ten ‘Kıbrıs Özel Temsilcisi’ önerisi

Jane Holl Lute, interim Cyprus Special Adviser to United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, resigned from his post upon his appointment to the board of directors of the oil company Royal Dutch Shell.

It was on the agenda that UN Secretary General Guterres would appoint a new special representative after the tripartite meeting with Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Nikos Anastasiadis, the leader of the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) on September 27.

Guterres sends Canadian diplomat Colin Stewart to the Cypriot parties for his special representation in Cyprus

If the Cypriot sides approve Stewart, Guterres must notify the UN Security Council by letter of his intention to appoint him.

Stewart, who previously held various posts at the UN and is the special envoy for Western Sahara, will replace Elizabeth Spehar if she is accepted to the post. Guterres’ten ‘Kıbrıs Özel Temsilcisi’ önerisi

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