Specialized’s Turbo E-Bikes May Convince You to Ditch Your Car

Odds are you’ve already got that indoor exercise bike on lock for your home gym. But perhaps you’re finding it’s time to take your cycling skills to the streets. Now, we can’t all be professional cyclists (or really, unabashed bicycle enthusiasts)—and while we love the idea of riding a two-wheeler to work on a regular basis, in reality, it can feel like a lot. No worries, that’s where an e-bike comes in (and for those who are wondering, you can still get a solid workout with one of these bad boys).

specialized turbo vado
Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0

Courtesy of retailer

Just in time for the holiday season, Specialized launched the latest iterations of its Turbo Vado 5.0 and Turbo Como 5.0 e-bikes. These new models will add some extra push to your daily rides, but do so in an exceptionally smooth, seamless, and quiet way—in other words, you don’t find any buzzy motors here. Top speeds clock in at 28 mph, which is certainly nothing to scoff at (plus, who doesn’t enjoy riding fast?). But what might be the most enticing aspect of these new e-bikes might be the software that makes them, well, electronic.

specialized turbo como
Specialized Turbo Como 5.0

Courtesy of retailer

Starting with these next-gen Vado and Como models, Specialized’s Turbo e-bikes will feature over-the-air software updates through the brand’s Mission Control app (which also allows you to disable the motor in the case of theft), meaning you less time in the bike shop and more time on the road. And for those of you riding alongside cars (with helmets, of course), these bikes each feature a MasterMind display, which will show you everything you need to know about your bike. This display also uses a rear-facing Garmin Radar to detect vehicles 140 meters away as well as their speeds.

specialized turbo mastermind

Courtesy of retailer

The Turbo Vado—for those who like to get from Point A to Point B (and fast)—and the Turbo Como—for those who prefer a more laidback ride—each retail for $5,000, making them each an unquestionable investment. But knowing that they’ll only get better with time and software updates, these may be the commuter bikes for you. You may even want to swap your car for one of these.

Dale Arden Chong is the Gear & Commerce Editor at Men’s Health, creating gear and shopping content for the site.

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