Spotify’s new desktop mini-player just upped my productivity game

It feels like every few months, Spotify comes out with a new feature or tool to try and tempt me away from Apple Music. This time, the company wants to entice me by giving me a new feature to boost my productivity when I’m working on my computer.

In a post on Instagram, Spotify announced a new mini-player for its desktop app. The new mini-player will start to roll out for users today and brings back the good old days of a music player widget on your PC or Mac.

Spotify says that the new mini-player enables you to handle a number of things while performing tasks in other apps and windows, including the ability to play/pause, change tracks, choose playlists, control the volume, and watch music or podcast videos.

The Spotify Desktop Miniplayer will also work as a window to view video, allowing desktop listeners to enjoy video podcasts for some of their favorite shows while using other windows. We know that music and podcasts are a huge part of people’s daily working lives and the Spotify Desktop Miniplayer will allow listeners to change tracks, choose playlists, control volume and watch video without ever missing a beat. What’s more, the Miniplayer will be fully flexible for your desktop needs – make it as big or as small as you need, pull it around your screen to your preferred location. 

What’s really neat about the way Spotify handles its new mini-player is that the size and functionality of the widget will update dynamically as you change its size:

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Of course, Apple Music has had a mini-player all of this time, but it comes in only one form: a square. It doesn’t change in functionality as you change its size, so Spotify is once again upping Apple in terms of features here.

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