SPRAYER! See what Katarina Grujić is spending money on unnecessarily!

Although she did not gain weight after giving birth, Kaća Grujić leaves nothing to chance!

Katarina Grujić


Look at what Katarina Grujić is spending money on unnecessarily!

How ) SCANDAL! finds out, the singer decided to invest a lot of money in training and nutrition, and her husband supports her in everything Marko Gobeljic who is an athlete!

– Kaća didn’t get a gram of excess after giving birth, only her stomach relaxed a bit, so he wants to start training immediately – starts our source and adds:

Hiring a trainer who will work with her at least three times a week because she wants instant effective results, but she will also change her diet eni. There are now special nutrition companies that send healthy food to their home address, so the singer will provide that as well. In any case, in a month or two he will be like a bomb, and Marko is encouraging him because he is also an athlete, so he is glad that his wife also adheres to sports and a healthy lifestyle – ends our source.

Read: He makes Ceci’s life miserable! Arkan’s son Vojin asks his stepmother to give up his last name!



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