SS3 Student Fakes Own Kidnap, Blames His Mother For The Action

A 17-year-old boy identified as Obinna Nwatu has blamed his biological mother for faking his kidnapping.

The teenager who is confirmed to be in his final lap in Secondary School reportedly connived with a friend to stage his kidnapping in other to extort money from his mother who according to him is stingy with money.

Speaking on the arrest of the suspect at a press briefing on Friday at the Abia State headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force, Commissioner of Police in the State, CP Janet Agbede, said one Wisdom Nwatu had reported that his younger brother Obinna Nwatu, 17yrs was kidnapped by some unidentified faces.

He told the police that the assailants whisked his brother away along Stadium Road, Okpuala Ngwa. He explained further that the unknown hoodlums operated with an ash colour Sienna, with registration number unknown, when he went to buy a recharge card.

Naija News understands that the Anti-kidnapping unit of the Command swung into action and was able to arrest one Chinaza Favour Ukaigwe whose bank account was used to receive a ransom of Two hundred thousand naira (₦200,000) only.

CP Agbede said: “Chinaza Favour Ukaigwe told the police after arrest that Obinna Nwatu faked his kidnap.

“He stated that Obinna and one Favour Ugorji a.k.a. “Wizzy” approached him at his shop at Aba Road Abia State and requested that he should give his bank account to enable them to receive the school fees of their young sister.

“The investigation further revealed that Obinna Nwatu and Ugorji received through the account the sum of two hundred thousand nairas (₦200,000) paid in as a ransom by Mrs Rose Nwatu (mother of Obinna Nwatu).

“Obinna Nwatu confessed he was not kidnapped. He conspired with Favour Ugorji known as “Wizzy (now at large) to intentionally go into hiding at a hotel along with Rhema University Road Aba.

“Obinna who is a Senior Secondary School 3 (SS3) student and lives in a boarding school decided to fake his kidnap claiming that his mother Mrs Rose Nwatu is stingy.”

Source: Naija News

A content writer, journalist, graphic designer, and Gospel Music Minister. Playing football is Richard’s main hobby.

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