Standing at the ball in Montenegro, the government is demanding the dissolution of the parliament


According to the news portal, the Montenegrin head of government announced the government’s decision in the social media, as well as called on the opposition and members of the ruling United Reform Action (URA) movement to resign and ask trust. As he wrote, the URA and its supporters want to form a minority government with their unconstitutional efforts, and only elections can recover from the political crisis.

may be initiated by the government or by at least 25.

Dritan Abazovic, one of the smaller movements in the Montenegrin governing coalition, the United Reform Action (URA) movement, and the opposition . filed a motion of censure against the government on Wednesday According to the submitters of the document, the Prime Minister’s behavior in recent months has violated the country’s constitution and laws and made cooperation between the legislature and the executive difficult, putting the country in a political crisis and slowing Montenegro’s European integration. EU accession process. In response, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has initiated the replacement of Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic

According to the URA initiating the motion of censure if the government fails minority governance the Democratic Party of the Center-left also the pro-Serb and pro-Russian Democratic Front (DF). Other parties in the governing coalition have previously ruled out the formation of a minority government and have proposed a change of government or early elections, but Zdravko Krivokapic has so far rejected these options.

Zdravko Krivokapic he became prime minister after the election, when the then opposition beat the DPS by a hair. Former opposition parties won 41 seats in the 81-member parliament. The new government also includes pro-European and pro-Serb parties, and it is precisely this opposition that has slowed down decision-making since the government was formed


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