Standing still on the scales: These 5 mistakes prevent you from losing weight during intermittent fasting

The principle is very simple: Depending on the variant, you fast for at least 16 hours a day, the remaining hours you can eat as usual.

Intermittent fasting is not a free ticket for the consumption of fast food or unhealthy foods. In addition, the weight loss trend is not suitable for everyone.

These common mistakes should be avoided.

1. Set goals that are too high

Many diets fail because they require extreme adaptation. If you completely change your diet from one day to the next, the body is overwhelmed.

It is best to start with a fasting interval of twelve hours and extend it depending on your personal well-being.

2. The plan does not fit the lifestyle

Which type of fasting you choose should be carefully considered.

If you don’t like breakfast anyway, you should be 16 : 8-rhythm ideal. For example, you can eat between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. or 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Night owls who do not want to miss their midnight snack, however, often find this variant difficult.

Even whole fasting days like the 5: 2 variant are not suitable for everyone – for example, those who have a stressful day-to-day work needs regular meals to recharge his batteries.

3. Eating too much or too little

The fasting phase is finally over, so you can really eat again? Not quite: if you eat too much, you gain weight.

The energy balance also applies to intermittent fasting – if it is positive, if you eat more than you consume, you gain weight.

Eating too little is also dangerous: the metabolism slows down, the body breaks down muscle mass. However, muscles are important when losing weight, because the more muscles you have, the higher the calorie consumption – even when you are resting.

Therefore you should start with Strength training counteract.

Reading tip

4. Reaching for unhealthy foods

Intermittent fasting is not a free ticket for fast food, chocolate and other high-calorie dishes.

Of course you can and should be yourself from time to time Allow minor sins, but do not make a habit of unhealthy snacks. Because only in combination with a healthy diet does intermittent fasting lead to the desired success.

5. Drinking too little

Drinking, drinking, drinking – THE standard rule for all weight loss methods. The recommendation of the German Nutrition Society is two to three liters per day.

And that doesn’t mean cola, juice and beer, but water and unsweetened herbal teas. Because a sufficient amount of water is healthy and helps to get rid of extra pounds.


Schübel, R. et al. (2018): Effects of intermittent and continuous calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism over 50 wk: a randomized controlled trial, abgerufen am 11.01.2022:


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