Startup Nemo Nanomaterials has developed nanomaterials that streamline the industry

The company has developed a technology for dispersing carbon nanomaterials that dramatically improves the properties of most industrial raw materials, and makes the ability to make commercial use of nanomaterials commercial in a variety of industries – automotive, aerospace, electronics , Construction, energy and communications; Nemo Nanomaterials was established in 2018 and already works with 10 companies, including giant companies

the need for technologies that will improve the quality of life of the world population, which will support smart products with Advanced communications, but at the same time preserving the environment, create a demand for innovative raw materials that will make any industrial process safe and sustainable, from the production of plastic products, through electronics components to raw materials for the transportation, aerospace and aerospace industries. In response, the Israeli startup Nemo Nanomaterials , which until now operated under the radar, has now been exposed for the first time With the aim of bringing the world of green nanotechnology to the world, and providing nanomaterials that will revolutionize the way in which all the benefits inherent in existing industrial raw materials can be utilized, while reducing environmental pollution and efficient use of natural resources.

Nemo Nanomaterials was founded in 2018 by Alexander Zinigrad (CEO) and Jonathan Antebi (VP of Business Development), and has so far raised about $ 7 million as part of pre-lime and lime rounds, mainly from the GEM Capital investment fund . The company, which employs 15 people in Petah Tikva and is about to enter the A round of recruitment, was established to bridge the gap between the ability of advanced carbon nanomaterials to dramatically improve properties of most industrial materials and the actual application of this capability. The use of nanomaterials also has the potential to significantly streamline industrial production processes, from reducing energy consumption in the production process, through reducing the environmental pollution created by the process and streamlining the use of raw materials.

Most of the gap is due to a chemical challenge And a technology whose cracking requires a uniform distribution of nanomaterials within the final product, without damaging them – which leads to significant improvements. The solutions available on the market today create a balance in which the use of nanomaterials or other additives improves a desirable property (such as imparting electrical conduction to plastics) at the expense of harming another desirable property (such as mechanical properties in a product).

To date, quite a few technologies have been developed in this field, the effectiveness of which has been proven only on a laboratory scale but have not succeeded in making the transition from a laboratory to a commercially viable commercial product. Nemo Nanomaterials is the first to succeed in cracking this chemical and technological challenge, namely to develop industrial additives that make accessible the huge potential of advanced carbon nanomaterials that impart new capabilities to a variety of materials without compromising desirable properties, and translate the solution into commercial scale with significant economic potential .

Moreover, Nemo Nanomaterials’ technological breakthrough is the only one that enables the replacement of metals with plastics by creating the required electrical conductivity and electromagnetic masking (EMI), a disturbance in the operation of electrical devices resulting from the presence of electromagnetic radiation in their vicinity. ) – without compromising the original properties of the plastic. These two solutions alone – electrical conduction and EMI protection – enable the company to reach a target market that rolls in $ 10 billion a year.

, Which embodies a cumulative market potential of over $ 50 billion.

Nemo Nanomaterials already works with 10 companies, including multi-billion dollar corporations. Some of these companies are paying customers and some are development partners in various stages of pilots and proof of validity of the products. Working closely with the 10 companies is already bearing fruit, and Nemo Nanomaterials has started producing its products in tonnes in response to commercial orders from its customers.

As a first step, the company chose to focus on the automotive industry because it Significant changes are taking place, some of which are due to the manufacturer’s requirements for smarter vehicles and some of which are increasing regulation aimed at reducing the environmental pollution created by vehicles. These trends have created a market demand for advanced raw materials for the automotive industry that is projected to reach $ 99 billion by 2025. These raw materials are needed, among other things, to reduce the weight of electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles in order to increase their travel ranges, enable systems to operate Advanced smart, allow the recycling of parts more easily, reduce the carbon footprint of the vehicle and more. Apart from the automotive industry, the company’s technology can be applied in the electronics, textiles, construction, telecom, energy, aerospace and aerospace industries.

“Advanced carbon nanomaterials have been known to mankind for decades, but Only recently have they become commercially available, “explains Jonathan Antebi, co-founder and vice president of business development at the company. This to reality. Our nanomaterial technology solves a variety of significant challenges in the raw material manufacturing industry while developing raw material additives ready for use in existing production machines and production processes, without the need to make changes and adjustments to them. “

” Refineries, and not oil itself, are the ones that have reshaped the world because they have enabled the use of new raw materials that will create new industrial capabilities, ”notes Alexander Zinigard, co-founder and CEO. “So too with Nemo Nanomaterials technology, advanced carbon nanomaterials have the potential for change needed to reinvent the future today.”

More on the subject on the Knowledge website:

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