Statkraft acquires 43 wind turbines in Germany and France

Statkraft takes over the wind farms of Breeze Three Energy, which consists of 39 wind farms in Germany and four in France. The parties will not publish the price for this trade.

The German wind farms have a total installed capacity of 311 megawatts (MW) and consist of a total of 187 wind turbines, which produce an average of 463 GWh / year. The wind farms have turbines from different suppliers and have a large geographical spread; from Bavaria in the south to Schleswig-Holstein in the north.

– The goal is to become a leading wind and solar power developer, with an annual development rate of 2.5 to 3 gigawatts new installed power until 2025. This acquisition strengthens our position as a leading renewable actor in Europe, writes Birgitte Ringstad Vartdal, Executive Vice President for Wind and Solar Power in Europe in a press release.

Will extend lifetime

The German market for renewable energy is Europe’s largest in terms of both installed capacity, expected growth and potential for upgrading and expansion, according to the press release. Statkraft writes that they will optimize operations and extend the life of parts of the portfolio.

Statkraft has been present in Germany since 1999, and operates both energy solutions, energy trading and operation of power plants. Earlier this year, Statkraft announced that they will develop the Rappenhagen wind farm in northern Hesse.

The newly acquired wind farms are between 13 and 22 years old, so the remaining period of subsidies varies accordingly, according to the press release.

35 MW in France

The French wind farms are located in the regions of Normandy, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Pays de la Loire, and have a combined installed capacity of 35 MW. The 16 wind turbines produce an average of 60 GWh / year.

Statkraft has had an office in Lyon since 2009. This was opened to sell hydropower expertise, but has since expanded to solar and wind power.

Statkraft has ambitions to be a leading renewable player in Europe. Last year, they bought the solar power company Solarcentury for NOK 1.45 billion. Solarcentury has 40 large-scale solar power plants in Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Italy and Chile.

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