Stop emailing files to yourself

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Stop met e-mailen van bestanden naar jezelf!Stop met e-mailen van bestanden naar jezelf!Stop met e-mailen van bestanden naar jezelf!

The solution is here. You will soon no longer need to email files to yourself.

We’ve all done it once. Just because it’s easy and because you definitely wouldn’t want to lose a file. Or would like to open on another device. The solution is simple, you just email yourself. In this age of technological developments, that would not be necessary. And that’s right.

Email files to yourself

Google is currently working on a solution. The new application should make it easier and more intuitive to email files to yourself. The company recently launched Near Share on ChromeOS and Android, as a competitor to Apple’s AirDrop. This allows you to easily send files to nearby devices. The only problem is that it’s not super useful if you’re trying to share files with your own devices. Google comes with Self Share to solve this. You can use this to set a flag in the program. If this is on you should be able to see a new ‘Send to your devices’ option in the nearby share menu.

Welcome addition

The feature is currently under development and is not ready yet. It will be some time before regular users can access it. The feature will be launched for Chrome OS. But knowing Google it will also be extended to other devices.

At the technology event CES 2022

announced the company that it would bring Near Share to Windows. It’s been in development for years, so it’s about time it got there. It’s reasonable to assume that the company would eventually want to offer similar self-sharing features as well. Read Interactions

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