Strong rebound in covid infections in Colombia: more than 4,000 cases





In addition, the number of cases Assets surpassed 20,885 on Tuesday, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health.


Colombia registers a rebound in infections.



December 28, 2021 – 05:01 p. m.



Colombia reported this Tuesday, December 28, more of 4,000 new daily cases of contagion of covid-19. This time the figure was 4,306, after processing 57,812 tests ( 21,291 of PCR and 36,521 of antigens).

The country already accumulates a historical balance of 5,132,277 infections and 29,410,095 samples analyzed.

What’s more, the number of recovered from the virus is 4,963,070, while the active cases are 20,885.

In terms of deaths, 35 new ones were reported. The country already has 129,833 deaths due to the pandemic.

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