Super Cub Novel Series to End with Volume 8

Super Cub Novel Series to End with Volume 8

by Joseph Luster January 19, 2022

super cub

Tone Koken and illustrator Hiro’s Super Cub novel series first started publication via Kadokawa’s Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko imprint in May 2017, and now it looks as if the series is getting ready to end. According to an Amazon listing, the eighth volume will be the last when it hits stores in Japan on March 1.

A TV anime adaptation debuted for Super Cub as part of last year’s spring anime season in April. The series is currently available to stream via Funimation, which sums up the story below.

There’s freedom in loneliness, and Koguma finds hers on a motorcycle. A Honda Super Cub motorcycle, to be exact. With no parents, friends, or plans for the future, Koguma’s daily detours on her way to school become her sole source of excitement. Until one day, she learns a classmate, Reiko, shares her passion. Together, they’ll discover friendship, fun, and the adventure of the open road.

Source: Anime News Network

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