This Saturday, the Catalan Dragons face St Helens in the Super League final on the lawn of the legendary Old Trafford stadium in England.
Supporters of @ DragonsOfficiel put a merry lyrical mess at the airport of # Perpignan
– L’Indep Perpignan (@LIndep_perpi)
October 7, 2021
We do not often talk about Rugby League on the Rugbynistère. It must be said that Kalyn Ponga does not break ankles every weekend. And then Sam Burgess retired. But this Saturday, the Catalan Dragons play the St Helens Super League final at Old Trafford in England . A historic moment for the club. “ It is a pride to be in the final in this legendary stadium and to represent French rugby league! confides Thomas, supporter of the Dragons. Then for the match , we know that it will be hard because St-Helens is the favorite, it is the double-holder of the title! But at the same time there is this kind of unfailing confidence of this team this year which makes me believe a lot in them. Especially since Tomkins should come back. We have bosses and talent everywhere. It will do it! “Despite the The enthusiasm of the supporters around this meeting, namely four planes leaving from Perpignan, not all of them will be able to get to Manchester. But they were keen to show their support for the players when they left for England on Thursday.
“It’s life to death guys” supporters of @ DragonsOfficiel redouble ‘effort to motivate the troops
– L’Indep Perpignan (@LIndep_perpi) October 7, 2021
The supporters of @ DragonsOfficiel sing Els Segadors in front of the airport of # Perpignan pic.
– L’Indep Perpignan (@LIndep_perpi) October 7, 2021
This Saturday, almost all of the Catalan people will be behind the Dragons. “ There is a lot of support from the south, it’s true! They don’t have as much this XIII / XV cleavage as we do They may have in Perpignan! It gives them great pleasure to hear the Catalan anthem sung every match at Brutus. In the north, it is more complicated, but the young generation of which I belong can be recognized in these Catalan Dragons as in the ‘ USAP ! that it is less passionate side XIII, but the club is young and little by little it takes! “The Dragons will even have supporters on the spot.
Just had a delivery from France 🇫🇷 Ready for tomorrow’s grand final at OT @ DragonsOfficiel @ samtomkins1 @ 12GarciaBen @ ArthurMourgue @ Sammyboii21990 @ jim_jim86 @ matty_whitley @ fouadyaha @ GilDudson @ josh_drinkwater @ tom5davies @ joeltomkins _ @ catalanmedia ❤💛🐉🇫🇷 @ SkySportsRL
– Steeley (@ Steeley0504) October 8, 2021
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