Suzuka-produced domestic sports electric motorcycle “GO GO! R” test drive event held at mobility event

Future Co., Ltd., which develops and sells next-generation mobility , hereafter “Future”) is a support purchase site Makuake ( ) Limited sale A test drive event for the Future mobility “GOGO! R” will be held on October 3rd (Sun) at the theme park “Niji no Sato” in Shuzenji, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.


スポーツ電動バイク「GOGO!R」 Sports electric motorcycle “GOGO! R”

Future mobility “GOGO! R” is sold exclusively on the support purchase site Makuake, and the number of sales The support purchase price exceeded 10 million yen in a day. A powerful 48V / 600W motor is mounted on an ultra-lightweight body made of aluminum bending technology that utilizes the experience of the world championship racing of motorcycles. The maximum speed is 45km / h, and it is easy to ride on various roads, and it was developed as a sports electric motorcycle that you can enjoy running while having eco-friendly mobility.

“GOGO! R” is a steering wheel and wheels that turn left and right to the front wheels. Adopts a new technology multi-lean steer suspension that balances leanness. (Patent pending / Designed) This is an electric three-wheeled motorcycle that allows you to enjoy lean and light cornering where the wheels tilt just by operating the steering wheel and tilting the upper body. )


“GOGO! Speedy delivery with “R”

ナイトドライブ Night Drive

Future will improve the movement of corona damage from June 2021 based at JR Kachigawa Station in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. , Started the nation’s first share service of electric three-wheeled motorcycles for the realization of a carbon-free society. It has been used more than 1,000 times in three months, and the demonstration has been completed without any accidents or violations, and the service will start in earnest in October. In addition, from July this year, Super City Resort VISON, which opened in Taki Town, Mie Prefecture, also started resort mobility sharing with the share model electric motorcycle “GOGO! Share” linked with the application, even in resorts with intense ups and downs in the mountains. Demonstrated climbing performance.



Overwhelming climbing power

Attracting Izu tourism on Sunday, October 3 At the “Niji no Sato Electric Bike Meeting” held in Niji no Sato as a demonstration experiment of PR and new means of transportation, in addition to the sports electric bike “GOGO! R”, a test drive experience of an unreleased model will be held.

“Niji no Sato Electric Bike Meeting”

◆ Schedule October 3, 3rd (Sun)
) スポーツ電動バイク「GOGO!R」 ◆ Time 9: 00-15: 00 (Exhibition / Test drive)
◆ Location Shuzenji Niji no Satoen and E Parking Lot

虹の里「GOGO!R」試乗会 Rainbow Village “GOGO! R” Test Drive

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