Suzy And Park Bo Gum Are Flight Attendants In Love In New Film “Wonderland”

The upcoming film “Wonderland” has shared a glimpse of its prop photos!

“Wonderland” tells the story of people who use the Wonderland service, which allows users to reunite with their deceased loved ones through video call by reconstructing them through artificial intelligence. The star-studded cast consists of Tang Wei, Suzy, Park Bo Gum, Jung Yu Mi, and Choi Woo Shik.

Newly released props from the film feature photos of the couple Jung In (Suzy) and Tae Joo (Park Bo Gum), capturing attention with their past moments. These photos are among several decorating Jung In’s home in the movie.

The photos capture the sweet chemistry between Jung In and Tae Joo, who are shown as a couple dressed in matching flight attendant uniforms. They are affectionately touching cheeks and gazing lovingly at each other, heightening viewers’ excitement.

The images hint at their happy past before Tae Joo falls into a coma due to an unexpected accident, evoking both tenderness and sadness.

“Wonderland” will hit theaters on June 5. Stay tuned!

Until then, check out Suzy in “While You Were Sleeping”:

Watch Now

And watch Park Bo Gum in “Seo Bok”:

Watch Now

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