‘Sweet Magnolias’ Season 2 Premiere Finally Reveals Who Was in the Car

Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Premiere Finally Reveals Who Was Car

‘Sweet Magnolias.’ ELIZA MORSE/NETFLIX

Warning: This story contains spoilers from season 2 of Sweet Magnolias.

Worth the wait? Fans have asked, “Who was in the car?” since season 1 of Sweet Magnolias made its debut nearly two years ago. After the season 2 premiere, they finally have their answer.

Viewers will remember the season 1 finale — which was released on Netflix in May 2020 — ended with a cliffhanger when Maddie (JoAnna Garcia Swisher) received a call that her son Ty’s (Carson Rowland) car was involved in an accident. When she, Dana Sue (Brooke Elliott) and Helen (Heather Headley) arrived on the scene, they discovered that Maddie’s youngest son, Kyle (Logan Allen), was the one driving, and paramedics informed her that they were still trying to retrieve the unidentified passenger from the vehicle.

Prior to the crash, Kyle was last seen leaving a prom afterparty after stepping in between Ty’s fight with baseball teammate Jackson (Sam Ashby). Kyle’s friends Annie (Anneliese Judge) and Nellie (Simone Lockhart) as well as Ty followed Kyle after Ty lashed out at his younger brother for intervening in his scuffle.

The season 2 premiere, which dropped on Friday, February 4, picked up with Maddie, Dana Sue, Helen and their family and friends gathered in the emergency room waiting area. Annie and Ty soon arrived, explaining that they tried to find Kyle but discovered the wrecked car instead. Turns out, Nellie jumped in the passenger seat as Kyle retrieved his brother’s keys from the visor where he left them. Nellie suffered some cuts and bruises from the crash, while Kyle had more serious injuries, including a dislocated knee, a concussion and ACL damage.

In the midst of the drama, Ty and Jackson got into it again in the waiting room, leading Ty to break his arm when Jackson shoved him to the floor. Ty’s doctor informed him that his arm would take four to six weeks to heal, meaning he would not be playing baseball anytime soon.

Nellie, meanwhile, assured Kyle that she was fine after the accident and told him that she forgave him. He was also ordered to do community service at the insistence of Nellie’s parents.

Annie, for her part, struggled with the aftermath of the incident as she felt guilty for not doing more to prevent it. At the end of the premiere, Dana Sue got upset, yelling at Maddie and Helen about how her daughter could have been in the car. She reasoned that Annie had always been a loyal friend to Ty and Kyle, but she deserved attention too, rather than always being the strong one of the group who weathered their tough times without complaints. Dana Sue ultimately stormed out of margarita night over the ordeal.

Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Premiere Finally Reveals Who Was Car

‘Sweet Magnolias.’ ELIZA MORSE/NETFLIX

While the season 1 cliffhanger has been resolved, Headley teased exclusively to Us Weekly that more is in store as season 2 continues.

“The funny part about it is that some of those questions that everybody dying to know, I feel as though those are kind of almost trivial,” the actress hinted. “Like, ‘Oh, well, I wanna know, for instance, who’s in the car, who’s in the car?’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, you’ll find out who’s in the car, and that’s by itself some drama. However, there’s a lot more drama coming down.’ So, I think [fans] will be satisfied, and they’ll be happy.”

Season 2 of Sweet Magnolias is now streaming on Netflix.

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