Sydney Gay Hate Inquiry Commission Report Released, Says NSW Police Failed LGBT Community

A special commission of inquiry into anti-LGBTQI deaths has directed the NSW Police to conduct fresh inquests/ re-investigation into some suspected gay hate deaths in Sydney and review of all unsolved homicides in the state between 1970 and 2010. 

Supreme Court Justice John Sackar’s exhaustive report into gay and trans hate deaths in Sydney was released by the NSW government on Thursday. The special commission was tasked with looking into suspected gay and trans hate deaths, some which had remained unsolved for over 40 years. 

The commission said that the NSW Police and in particular its Unsolved Homicide Team had “much to reflect on with respect to their attitudes to hate crimes against the LGBTIQ community and their capacity to solve cold cases more generally.”

“The immediate effect of violence was compounded by responses from the NSWPF, and from some of its members, who were indifferent, negligent, dismissive or hostile. There is no doubt that the response to the deaths of those who were perceived to be members of the LGBTIQ community frequently reflected the shameful homophobia, transphobia and prejudice that existed both in society broadly, and within the NSWPF.”

Not Just Statistics

Supreme Court Justice John Sackar (left) and NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb.

The commission said that much of the narrative of the past few decades had focused on the statistics of anti-LGBTQI hate deaths. 

“Statistics are illustrative, but at times crude. Hatred and discrimination against the LGBTIQ community manifests in many ways, and not all are visible in the available records,” said Just Sackar. “Many members of the LGBTIQ community continue to live with the enduring trauma of violence, prejudice and bigotry… Many of the cases investigated by the Inquiry are shocking in their senselessness and brutality.”

The commission looked at around 34 suspected gay and trans hate deaths. It recommended that the NSW Police commissioner order a fresh inquiry into four suspected gay hate deaths of Scott Miller, Paul Rath, Richard Slater, Carl Stockton. The commission also asked the police to consider a reinvestigation into the death of Gerald Cuthbert after receiving information from the FBI. 

An apology was not one of the recommendations of the commission, but Justice Sackar asked the police to  “consider the value of sincerely and unequivocally acknowledging the shortcomings of the past”.

“I have not recommended an apology because I consider that an apology perceived as coming about only because I have recommended it is likely to be of limited value,” the commission said, adding, “In my view, an apology is not only appropriate, but the absence to date of an apology from the Commissioner of the NSWPF has been extremely difficult to understand.”

The commission made around 19 recommendations including asking the police to continuously monitor DNA evidence for fresh leads in unsolved case, review the practices, procedures and training for its unsolved homicide team and LGBTQI bias train for police officers.

NSW Police Committed To Mending Relationship With LGBTQI Community

NSW Police Force said that it was committed “to a thorough and considered evaluation of each recommendation.”

“While some recommendations align closely with initiatives already underway, the recommendations will be thoroughly assessed as part of the ongoing efforts to enhance the service and accountability of the NSW Police Force,” the NSWPF said in s statement. 

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb in a statement said that the police was committed to build and strengthen its relationship with the community. 

“For those individuals and their families who have experienced hurt and suffering from the actions and attitudes of the past, I acknowledge your pain,” Webb said in a statement. 

“It is deeply regrettable and while I cannot undo what has occurred previously, I give you my commitment today that NSWPF is determined to uphold the policies, education, and training now entrenched in the practices of modern policing which did not exist 30 years ago.”

“As noted in the report NSWPF has made significant efforts since the 1990s to reassess and improve the ways in which it relates to the LGBTIQ+ community and responds to LGBTIQ+ concerns. This is an ongoing priority for our organisation as we seek to serve the community of NSW with respect, fairness and inclusivity.”

While acknowledging the special commission’’ report, Webb added: “This is a lengthy report and it is incumbent on our organisation that we allocate the appropriate time to review the report and its recommendations.”

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