Synchronize Files, Folders and Drives via Real-Time Monitoring

Automatic data synchronization and backup software Synchredible 8.0 released for Windows 11, 10, 8 and 7

Press ReleaseJan 17, 2022 21:00 CET
LEONBERG, Germany,January 17, 2022( –Hybrid working is the logical consequence of advancing digitalization. And so the understanding of one’s own workplace and the individual work tool has changed fundamentally and permanently in recent years. Software solutions that synchronize and secure data in flexible everyday working life must not lag behind. Such a solution is provided by ASCOMP Software from Germany, which answers current questions about data backup with the new version of its Windows software Synchredible 8.0.Synchredible is a backup and synchronization software that synchronizes and backs up data in a time-controlled and fully automatic manner between local and external storage media, networks and cloud storage. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, the Windows software is suitable for both private users and companies.Automatic data backup and synchronizationWith Synchredible, files, folders and hard disks can be easily synchronized at set intervals. Cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive are also supported for one- or two-sided data synchronizations.Thanks to a large number of user settings, jobs can be executed, for example, when a file is changed or when the corresponding external data drive is connected, and in this way, the data sets can be kept fully automatically and time-controlled in sync. The software automatically detects changes and synchronizes the last edited file. Unchanged data is skipped and extensive data sets are thus compared within a very short time.Real-time monitoring with Synchredible 8.0The new version brings new as well as improved functions. Thanks to real-time monitoring, which can be optionally paused, the software detects changes to source and destination folders without the need for user interaction and starts the synchronization job fully automatically. The consistently thought-out and user-oriented program interface makes the multitude of functions and settings clear and the synchronization of data on several devices quick and easy.”Our goal is to provide solutions for complex, repetitive tasks even for less experienced users. That’s why we make sure that our applications are intuitive to understand and easy to use,” says Andreas Stroebel, Managing Director of ASCOMP Software.New challenges require new solutions and those who work on several devices at the same time or use different removable media are advised to keep their data up to date – Synchredible 8.0 makes fast and secure data synchronization easy and offers a modern solution for data backup.The software supports all major Windows operating systems in both 32- and 64-bit versions and can be downloaded free of charge for private use on The paid version (from $39.90) is ad-free and also offers technical support.Source: ASCOMP Software

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