Table tennis: Hausham surprised with victory


The SG Hausham celebrates a surprise success in the table tennis regional league, but the SF Gmund-Dürnbach and the TuS Holzkirchen receive clear defeats.

District – The time of dawn is past. After more than 20 months, the Haushamer table tennis players have come back into the spotlight. With a 9: 7 win against SC Baldham-Vaterstetten after a four-hour battle. An announcement to all critics who smiled at the start in the regional league. The miners are back on the big stage.

Since March 2020, the house keepers had to wait before they could clap each other again. At that time, the SG sextet started in the regional league. From then on, Corona dictated what happened. The season ended prematurely, the miners moved up as runners-up in the national league. Overtaxed here, the householders benefited from the pandemic. A season break followed. Not a newcomer, but also not a relegated person. Now that Peter Schiege has put the bat aside and Christian Schmid has switched to SV Helfendorf, a start in the subordinate regional league seemed likely. But the flagship of the Oberland opted for the sporty route. A start at the association level.

When SC Baldham, a seasoned national league team, appeared at Schlierach, there was a brisk end in the room. But far from it. It was the SG’s Mittlere Paarkreuz that kept the tension high. Alexander Pischetsrieder and Ludwig Klier fought for the maximum possible four individual counters. Since Markus Kugel also remained undefeated and Dorn in the Vorderen Paarkreuz came to a 1: 1 evaluation, the doubles decided. Here the pairing Dorn / Pischetsrieder proved to be invincible in the first and final doubles.

Clear victory for Gmund offspring

One division lower, in the regional league, a rough wind blew the SF Gmund-Dürnbach in the face. TSV Graefelfing III is considered to be a title contender, but going down with 0: 9 and not winning a set in eight of the nine encounters was tough. TuS Holzkirchen had a good start against TSV Pentenried. Roland Krischke / Peter Limmer won as top doubles and the father-son constellation Michael Janski and Raphael Wild also scored points in third place. In the individual, however, the long-standing national league team showed itself to be overwhelming. Only the defense strategist Peter Krischke managed to win a point at 3: 9.

Gmund-Dürnbach was too strong for TSV Murnau in the youth regional league. After a 1-1 double start, Marinus Huber (2), Johannes Obermüller (2), Marinus Ostermeier (2) and Simon Hackner scored in the singles for the Tegernsee. 8: 2 the final score.

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