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2 posts | Angelo Agrizzi wants corruption case struck from the roll thumbnail | Angelo Agrizzi wants corruption case struck from the roll

Angelo Agrizzi in court. Photo by Gallo Images/OJ Koloti Agrizzi argues that despite his full cooperation, the State has not appointed its doctor to examine him. The Specialised Commercial Crimes Court had previously granted the State's request to use its doctor to examine Agrizzi. The State said it would oppose the application.Former Bosasa COO turned whistleblower Angelo…
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Miguel Ângelo replaces Cardinal in Portugal's squad for the futsal Euro thumbnail

Miguel Ângelo replaces Cardinal in Portugal's squad for the futsal Euro

 O ala Miguel Ângelo foi hoje chamado à seleção portuguesa de futsal, substituindo na convocatória Cardinal, que vai falhar o Campeonato da Europa da categoria devido a lesão, informou a Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF).De acordo com a nota divulgada no site oficial do organismo, o pivô do Sporting apresenta um “quadro clínico de lombalgia…
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