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Singles Earn Less Than Half the Average Household Income thumbnail

Singles Earn Less Than Half the Average Household Income

Single householders are proliferating, but their income and assets are not even half the overall household average.According to Statistics Korea on Tuesday, one-person households increased by 336,000 last year to 7.5 million, which brought their proportion of total households from 33.4 percent in 2021 to 34.5 percent.The figure surpassed 30 percent for the first time
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National average house price down for first time in decade thumbnail

National average house price down for first time in decade

Navigation for News Categories The national average home value has recorded its first annual drop in more than a decade. The housing market is continuing to head south as interest rates, credit constraints and cost of living hardships bite. Photo: RNZ / Marika Khabazi The latest QV House Price Index shows home values slipped by
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The average take-home pay in South Africa right now thumbnail

The average take-home pay in South Africa right now

Take-home pay recovered marginally in August, as salaries data continue to suggest some more job creation, according to the latest BankservAfrica Take-home Pay Index, out Wednesday (28 September). The impact from the rising inflation should start to moderate towards year-end, the clearing house says. The index is calculated on a monthly basis by dividing the
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The Average Viewer Of The CW Is 58? thumbnail

The Average Viewer Of The CW Is 58?

The CW In a call with analysts today following their confirmation of plans to acquire a majority stake in The CW, executives from Nexstar Media Group revealed more of their intentions. Whilst their mission is to turn the network into a more cost-conscious broadcaster that appeals to a broader audience, the real revelation was some…
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Average Body Temperature Takes A Dip thumbnail

Average Body Temperature Takes A Dip

There are a few things everyone knows, right? No two snowflakes are exactly alike, groundhogs can’t really predict the weather and normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The first two facts are pretty sound. But the last one may no longer be true. Where did the 98.6 dogma come from in the first place?…
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National average house price went up nearly 30% in 2021 thumbnail

National average house price went up nearly 30% in 2021

Navigation for News Categories The national average house price rose nearly 30 percent last year. Figures from QV show the average house price went up 28.2 percent in 2021, with the new national average hitting $1,053,315. Houses in Christchurch, which saw the strongest growth Photo: RNZ / Nate McKinnon Christchurch saw the strongest growth. The…
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How to Calculate Average in Microsoft Excel thumbnail

How to Calculate Average in Microsoft Excel

Finding the average (also called the arithmetic mean) comes in handy in various calculations. Microsoft Excel makes it easy to calculate the average, and we’ll show you multiple ways to do that. RELATED: How to Find the Mean in Microsoft Excel What Is Average in Excel? The average for numerical values is calculated by adding…
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