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8 posts
Could good gut bacteria help prevent cardiovascular disease? thumbnail

Could good gut bacteria help prevent cardiovascular disease?

From improving cognitive function​, to aiding in the prevention of colorectal cancer​, the importance of good gut health is only now truly being understood. And with that understanding has come the extraordinary rise of the gut health trend, leading to the creation and huge success of the gut health​ industry. In fact, it’s become so
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Bacteria load their syringes thumbnail

Bacteria load their syringes

Many bacterial pathogens use small injection apparatuses to manipulate the cells of their hosts, such as humans, so that they can spread throughout the body. To do this, they need to fill their syringes with the relevant injection agent. A technique that tracks the individual movement of proteins revealed how bacteria accomplish this challenging task.
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How bacteria surf cargo through the cell thumbnail

How bacteria surf cargo through the cell

Bacteria live in nearly every habitat on earth including within soil, water, acidic hot springs and even within our own guts. Many are involved in fundamental processes like fermentation, decomposition and nitrogen fixation. But scientists don't understand a fundamental process within bacteria cells: how they organize themselves before division. Driving vs. surfing When cells divide
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Ocean Bacteria Reveal an Unexpected Multicellular Form thumbnail

Ocean Bacteria Reveal an Unexpected Multicellular Form

Close your eyes and imagine bacteria. Perhaps you’re picturing our intestinal Escherichia coli, or the shiny golden balls of staphylococcus, or the corkscrewing ringlets of Lyme disease spirochetes. Regardless of the species and its shape, chances are your mind’s eye conjured up a single cell, or maybe several free-living cells. The problem with this image
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Bacteria on intertidal rockweed across the North Atlantic thumbnail

Bacteria on intertidal rockweed across the North Atlantic

Algae such as rockweeds are a fundamental part of marine ecosystems, providing habitat and food to many other marine organisms while also providing ecosystem services. Algae produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis, so oxygenation of the water and atmosphere is one such ecosystem service. In turn, algae depend on bacteria to maintain their normal…
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Bacteria form complex structures like those seen in animals thumbnail

Bacteria form complex structures like those seen in animals

Bacterial biofilms, slimy collections of microbes, can develop concentric rings containing cells with different biological features Life 6 January 2022 By Alex Wilkins Bacillus subtilis, a soil bacterium, can create concentric rings when it forms a biofilmKwang-Tao Chou Bacterial biofilms contain a level of structural organisation that we thought was unique to plants and animals.…
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