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3 posts
‘Baltic UXO,’ ‘The Big Chief’ Win Docu Talent From the East Awards
“Baltic UXO” and “The Big Chief” won awards Sunday at Docu Talents From the East during the Sarajevo Film Festival‘s CineLink Industry Days. Eight documentaries from Central and Eastern Europe, set for theatrical release in the next 12 months, were presented at Docu Talents From the East. Lithuanian-German-Latvian co-production “Baltic UXO,” directed by Agnė Dovydaitytė
August 18, 2024
U.S. Allows Baltic NATO Members to Send Arms to Ukraine
WASHINGTON—The U.S. has given approval for three Baltic NATO members to send American-made weapons to Ukraine, U.S. officials said. The decision will enable Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia to send Javelin antitank weapons and Stinger air-defense systems for Ukraine’s forces.
January 20, 2022
The Baltic Pipe is already across Zealand
2021-12-26 18:00publikacja2021-12-26 18:00fot. RITZAU SCANPIX / / ReutersDuńczycy z Energinetu zdążyli przed zimą ułożyć cały odcinek gazociągu - przyszłego systemu Baltic Pipe - na wyspie Zelandia. Brakuje przyspawania go na obu końcach do reszty gazociągu i uporządkowania terenu. W Polsce Gaz-System układa rurę pod Wartą. Zelandia na ukończeniu Rury są ze sobą zespawane, poddane próbom ciśnieniowym…
December 26, 2021