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4 posts
Part 6: Why Do We Travel? Because Nature is Everywhere
Y WE TRAVEL Why do we travel? For too long, we took this question for granted. Travel can make our large world small, and we forgot what a gift this is until it all got taken away from us not too long ago. Today, we’re returning to the skies in record numbers, but with a
January 24, 2025
How to Fall Down Correctly (Because Yes, There’s a Right Way to Do It)
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” has been seared into many of our brains since at least the late ’80s, when the famous LifeCall commercial made its TV debut. Although it became the butt of many age-related jokes for the next several decades, the very real message holds true: Falls among older folks are
October 28, 2024
My Friends Are Mad At Me Because I’m In A Bad Mental Place — Should I Apologise?
"They don't want to be friends with me until I apologise to them for being depressed." Hey there cyber chums and welcome back to another rendition of Help Me Hameda — the fortnightly column where I offer advice based on your DMs. Hameda Nafiz / BuzzFeed Do you have any dilemmas that you need advice…
February 4, 2022
29 Sex Toys To Explore Because Cuffing Season Is Upon Us
Forget pumpkin spice, it's time to updating your sex toy collection.We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh,…
September 30, 2021