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Boris Johnson set to sign off on plans to scrap part of NI protocol thumbnail

Boris Johnson set to sign off on plans to scrap part of NI protocol

Choose your subscription Trial Try full digital access and see why over 1 million readers subscribe to the FT For 4 weeks receive unlimited Premium digital access to the FT's trusted, award-winning business news Digital Be informed with the essentialnews and opinion MyFT – track the topics most important to you FT Weekend – full…
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Have your say: Has Boris delivered on Brexit? thumbnail

Have your say: Has Boris delivered on Brexit?

BORIS JOHNSON promised to "get Brexit done" when he became Prime Minister but we're now a few more years down the line and the UK is still wrangling with the EU over the finer points of the deal. But what do you think, has Boris Johnson delivered on Brexit? Have your say: Has Boris delivered…
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Les sites du néo nazi Boris Le Lay mis hors ligne par un hacker thumbnail

Les sites du néo nazi Boris Le Lay mis hors ligne par un hacker

Un hacker a réussi à pirater des comptes de Boris Le Lay et à mettre hors ligne plusieurs de ses sites. Des informations extraites d’une fuite confirment également que le néonazi breton est derrière le site Démocratie participative. Les autorités en rêvaient, un pirate solitaire l’a fait. Selon les informations de StreetPress et de Numerama,…
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Boris Johnson a ‘hypocritical, blundering leader’ thumbnail

Boris Johnson a ‘hypocritical, blundering leader’

Boris Johnson has exposed himself as a “hypocritical, blundering leader” but will nevertheless hold onto power by default, says Spiked Online Chief Political Writer Brendan O’Neill.Mr Johnson is currently facing pressure to resign, following a number of parties held at Downing Street while the country was under a lockdown.Civil servant Sue Gray’s report on the…
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Boris Johnson apologizes but rules out quitting over 'Partygate': 'I'm sorry for the things we didn't do right' thumbnail

Boris Johnson apologizes but rules out quitting over 'Partygate': 'I'm sorry for the things we didn't do right'

Publié le lundi 31 Janvier 2022 à 17h52 Par Sudinfo avec AFP Le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson s’est excusé lundi au Parlement. Promettant de tirer les leçons mais excluant de démissionner, après la publication d’un rapport administratif taclant des « erreurs de leadership » dans le scandale des fêtes à Downing Street durant le confinement. « Je…
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Boris Johnson im Glück: Polizei will Passagen im Partygate-Bericht schwärzen lassen thumbnail

Boris Johnson im Glück: Polizei will Passagen im Partygate-Bericht schwärzen lassen

Seit Tagen wartet Grossbritannien gespannt auf einen internen Bericht: Haben Premier Johnson und seine Mitarbeiter mit Partys die Corona-Regeln verletzt? Und wie detailliert darf das öffentlich geschildert werden? Johnsons Gegner zeigen nun verstärkt Gesicht. Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson bei einem Besuch der Royal Air Force in Anglesey, Wales, 27. Januar 2022. Carl Recine /…
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Gloss: Boris Johnson is Czech.  There is no other explanation thumbnail

Gloss: Boris Johnson is Czech. There is no other explanation

Charisma i kariéra premiéra Borise Johnsona jako by v sobě obsahovaly i něco českého. Příměs, která je některým z nás na dálku povědomá. Ten styl odněkud známe, nebo?Nejde jen o Johnsonovo řekněme klaunství, sklony ke lhavosti a životosprávu. To může být i puncovaně britské, stejně jako odpor nebo sympatie, které to budí.Ale když BoJo spustí na téma lockdownových večírků, to jsme…
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