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2 posts
Wisconsin Farm Bureau changes sides on raw milk thumbnail

Wisconsin Farm Bureau changes sides on raw milk

Wisconsin is “America’s Dairyland” — the slogan has been on Wisconsin license plates for more than 75 years. The state tops the U.S. dairy industry worth $40.5 billion with its 9.3 million milk-producing cows. The milk and dairy products Wisconsin is known for have long been pasteurized products. Sales and distribution of raw milk have
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US Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy officially commences operations thumbnail

US Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy officially commences operations

The US State Department announced that its newly-created Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) has officially commenced operations.  The State Department's press release about the milestone called the new office a "key piece of [US Secretary of State] Blinken's modernization agenda." The CDP bureau will be tasked with addressing national security issues relating to cyberspace,…
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