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4 posts
How Dangerous Is Caffeine for People With Severe Arrhythmias?
Pop Medicine > Culture Clinic — Parents blame daughter's death on highly caffeinated beverage by Michael DePeau-Wilson, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today November 6, 2023 Welcome to Culture Clinic, MedPage Today's collaboration with Northwell Health to offer a healthcare professional's take on the latest viral medical topics. A recent lawsuit may serve as a
November 6, 2023
High Caffeine Levels Linked to Lower Body Fat, Diabetes Risk
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March 17, 2023
Man dies from caffeine overdose after drinking equivalent of 200 cups of coffee
Home News Ground coffee in a scoop. (Image credit: MirageC/Getty Images) A man in the U.K. died from a caffeine overdose after drinking a mixture containing the caffeine equivalent of several hundred cups of coffee, according to news reports.The 29-year-old man, Tom Mansfield, was a personal trainer who had ordered a 100 gram (3.5 oz)…
March 4, 2022
Study: Caffeine Impacts Expression of Genes Known to Mediate Cardiovascular Risk
Evidence suggests that caffeine reduces cardiovascular disease risk. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is still unknown. In a new study, researchers from McMaster University and elsewhere investigated the effect of caffeine on the expression of two regulators of circulating low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — or ‘bad’ cholesterol — levels. Caffeine blocks PCSK9 expression…
February 18, 2022