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8 posts
State capture: President Ramaphosa dodges the Bosasa bullet thumbnail

State capture: President Ramaphosa dodges the Bosasa bullet

The State Capture Commission of Inquiry report made no findings against President Cyril Ramaphosa in the R500,000 Bosasa paid in cash towards his 2017 ANC presidential campaign. Ramaphosa took the stand at the Zondo-led commission last year to answer questions on the biggest corruption scandal in the country’s history. He denied having any knowledge about…
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Scientists Capture Airborne Animal DNA for the First Time thumbnail

Scientists Capture Airborne Animal DNA for the First Time

But for many biologists, tracking mammals that move miles each day and are wary of humans can be nearly impossible. Enter eDNA. “If we want to restore ecosystems, we need to understand how our conservation actions influence threatened and endangered species. But to do that we need to be able to detect even the rarest,…
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Capture Your Daring Feats With Our Favorite Action Cameras thumbnail

Capture Your Daring Feats With Our Favorite Action Cameras

Choosing the right action camera used to be simple: Go with GoPro. It's still good advice. The GoPro ranks high on our list and is our top pick for most people. But we've finally found a few worthy competitors.To figure out which camera is the best, we tried them all. We dove with them, climbed…
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