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Chile says recent mass seabird death not due to avian flu thumbnail

Chile says recent mass seabird death not due to avian flu

Dead Guanay cormorants covered a beach in Coquimbo, Chile, but authorities say it does not appear to be related to an ongoing avian bird flu outbreak. Early tests indicate that the recent mass death of thousands of seabirds along Chile's northern coast were not caused by avian flu, authorities said Friday. Some 3,500 Guanay cormorants—once
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Chile lifts the curfew for covid-19 after a year and a half thumbnail

Chile lifts the curfew for covid-19 after a year and a half

22:05 | Santiago de Chile, set. 30 (Efe). Esta medianoche Chile dejó de estar bajo el estado de catástrofe decretado por el Gobierno a raíz de la pandemia, terminando con el toque de queda que se impuso en todo el territorio desde marzo de 202, mientras este jueves se detectaron 895 nuevos casos, la cifra…
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