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5 posts
Gove: cladding suppliers must contribute to £4bn remediation bill thumbnail

Gove: cladding suppliers must contribute to £4bn remediation bill

Cladding manufacturers have been targeted by the government in its bid to raise £4bn to fix unsafe cladding. In a letter addressed to the Construction Products Association, housing secretary Michael Gove told cladding suppliers they would have to bear some of the cost to fix the problem and invited them to propose a deal by…
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PAS 9980: the solution to cladding risk appraisal? thumbnail

PAS 9980: the solution to cladding risk appraisal?

The new code of practice is intended to help clear the logjam of leaseholders unable to sell flats in high-rose blocks because of confusion over cladding risks since the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire.   The new code of practice has primarily been developed to support the upcoming changes to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order…
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Cladding: Developers told they must pay to remove unsafe material thumbnail

Cladding: Developers told they must pay to remove unsafe material

The government has pledged to take “every step necessary” to make building firms fix dangerous cladding on medium rise blocks, warning they could face taxes if they don’t live up to their responsibilities. Michael Gove said leaseholders would no longer have to bear the costs themselves, saying he was ready to “impose a solution on…
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Cladding: Developers told to act on lower-height buildings thumbnail

Cladding: Developers told to act on lower-height buildings

Image source, Getty ImagesThe housing minister has said he will be "absolutely willing to use legal rules" to make builders pay for the removal of unsafe cladding from lower-height buildings.Michael Gove has written to firms, giving them until March to agree a plan to protect leaseholders trapped in "unsellable homes". So far, residents in blocks…
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