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New Watford boss Claudio Ranieri returns to the Premier League as an icon following ‘dilly ding, dilly dong’, a dead fox, and washing down pizza with champagne thumbnail

New Watford boss Claudio Ranieri returns to the Premier League as an icon following ‘dilly ding, dilly dong’, a dead fox, and washing down pizza with champagne

A Premier League icon has returned for another bite of the cherry, with the orchestrator of the competition’s greatest ever upset, Claudio Ranieri, taking over the reins at Watford. The Italian will manage his fourth different side in England, with his most famous stint coming at Leicester City, whom he guided to an astonishing 5000/1…
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Claudio Ranieri is Watford's new coach thumbnail

Claudio Ranieri is Watford's new coach

Claudio Ranieri foi confirmado como novo treinador do Watford. O técnico assinou contrato por duas temporadas, anunciou hoje o clube 15.º classificado da Liga inglesa de futebol, no site oficial.O experiente técnico italiano, que este mês completa 70 anos, vem ocupar o lugar do espanhol Xisco Muñoz, despedido do cargo no passado fim-de-semana, ao cabo…
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