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Three Clues That a House Will Be For Sale Soon thumbnail

Three Clues That a House Will Be For Sale Soon

While there’s nothing wrong with spending hours scrolling through Zillow, if you’re actively searching for a home in a particular price range or school district, and you keep losing bidding wars or missing your chance to make an offer at all, it may be time to rethink your strategy.One option is to try finding homes
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New clues emerge about runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi's violent past thumbnail

New clues emerge about runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi’s violent past

Home News Science & Astronomy This composite image of the star Zeta Ophiuchi comprises one image taken in the X-ray spectrum by NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory and one taken in the infrared spectrum by NASA's now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Dublin Inst. Advanced Studies/S. Green et al.; Infrared: NASA/JPL/Spitzer) Zeta Ophiuchi is on…
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Old Climate Clues Shed New Light on History thumbnail

Old Climate Clues Shed New Light on History

This story originally appeared on Yale Environment 360 and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.Joseph Manning, a Yale University professor of ancient history, likes to recall the moment when he was shown an advance copy of a scholarly paper that pinpointed the timing of major volcanic eruptions over the last 2,500 years. As he…
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